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Dance Instructions, Videos, and Music

  • In addition to this website, I have a YouTube Channel where all the dance videos I've created can be found.

  • I have over 380 videos (and growing) now that make learning line dance terminology/moves and individual dances fun and easy. 

  • You can easily get to my YouTube channel by typing " Kari's Line Dancing" into your search bar or by clicking this link: Kari's YouTube Channel.

  • When in my YouTube channel, use the little magnifying glass to search for exactly what you're looking for. (Don't use the search bar for Google.) Be sure to look for the little magnifying glass located directly above all my video images and to the right of the word "ABOUT". In there, you can search e.g. for "How To Rumba Box" or for a particular dance e.g. "Banana Dance"  Also, the "L#" in every video title signifies the Level of the dance, a system I created to help you know which dances are easier or harder to learn. "L1" means "Level 1" and are the most beginner-level dances. "L4+" dances will take longer to learn.  If you'd like to search by level, just type e.g. L1 into the search bar and all the more beginner dances will show! Have fun!

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  • CopperKnob is a world-wide database for Line Dances. 

  • It's a great place to look up dances you're working on in class.

  • For each of the thousands of dances that are listed on CopperKnob, there is a Step Sheet which provides written instructions on how to do the dance.

  • Step Sheets also specify what music the dance was written for.

  • A music video for each Step Sheet on CopperKnob is provided too; this is a great way to dance along to the music of any dance! If you want to buy the song, there is even a link to bring you to Amazon to do so!

  • Sometimes, CopperKnob will also include a video tutorial on how to do the dance and/or a video demonstration of others doing the dance. I now have over 300 videos now posted so you will see mine there too!

  • Having all that info makes it easy to learn, practice, or just dance along to all the dances!

  • To go to CopperKnob just select the More menu option (here on my website), and click CopperKnob!

  • To see just the CopperKnob dances I choreographed to get newcomers started, select the More menu option, and click Kari's CopperKnob Dances.

  • Have fun exploring!

Kari's Line Dancing  | | Middlesex County, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Email: | Call or Text: (978) 844-1951  | YouTube Channel: Kari - Kari's Line Dancing

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